Friday 31 January 2014

World's most deadliest road, Himachal Pradesh ----------- with book manali

Sunday 26 January 2014

Happy Republic Day

It is so cold in the Miyun District that a waterfall has actually frozen solid.

Monday 20 January 2014


Paradiese on earth, One needs to get completely out of one's head or physically very strong to visit Ladakh in Winters. The highlands of Ladakh go through an amazing transformation as the temperature begins dipping in the cold days of the winter. The usually brown mountain slopes are now adorned with a thick layer of snow. The earth appears in a bridal white, with endless expanse of soft snow dominating the landscape. The bustling markets of summer and the distant lakes filled with tourists in the summer months echo only the silence of the cold days, allowing you to drink in the peace of these extraordinary mountain landscapes.

Sunday 12 January 2014


The World's most beautiful place Himachal Pradesh, where the nature is true,where the peace is there, where the peoples are innocent, where the love is in the air.............................................................

Sunday 5 January 2014


Winters in Manali start from the month of October and lasts until February and are extremely cold. Even these weather conditions do not stop tourists from coming and seeing the snowcapped peaks. Travelers are recommended to come with heavy woolen clothes during winters to enjoy exotic treat at Manali. In early March, Manali become awesome, with colorful fruits and flowers, along with multihued butterflies flying all around